A Post of a Story: The Value if the Old Testament

Some names have been changed in this story for reasons. This story is not 100% in chronological order, I have never been the greatest at memory/organization/typing a lot. That is why there may or may not be many typos in my story even after it being revised. With that said, thank you Jesus who died on the cross for my sins and shed your blood for me. Thank you for staying faithful to me. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.  The LORD is using me regardless of my faults. I think about Moses and how he had a stutter when I think about how terrible my typing can be at times. I cannot get the whole story in, it is simply too much for me to want to. 

Back when I was a child I would have days where I would think my family would have certain meal that day and it would come true. One specific time I remember, I remember saying it feels like one of those days where we would have Taco Bell. My family had taco bell and sister Taja mentioned to my dad, who is now with the LORD, how I said that. My dad said I had the gift of prophecy. I always had deep held beliefs about my faith in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but as I got older challenges of the world hit me such as providing. Unfortunately, I chose working over spending time with the LORD or at least the way I should have. I still thought about him, and shared my faith, but out of fear and trying to get along with the world I did not do it as much as I should. These were days where all that political garbage was ramping up. I learned later that those were seducing spirits and doctrines of demons the LORD stated would happen in the last days. I worked at hospital as a security officer and I saw a man reading his Bible at work so I spoke to him. Soon after he kept telling me to read my Bible and go to church. Awhile after, roughly a little less than a year I did. One, week later a ton of bad stuff happened to me for almost two years straight. Satan came after me knowing that his time is short. That was when covid hit, friends betrayed; someone that called me brother, people that were Christians, someone I thought would never leave me, a someone I called best friend. That is Matthew 24:10.

 10And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.  

I told a close friend of mine name Rosa about it. Her nickname was Belle at the time based off the Disney character because she loves books. She agreed that it was a spiritual attack. 

My dad died in 2021 from heart failure, even though it was claimed covid. That is 2 Timothy 3:13 

13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

I remember right before my dad passed away I was looking at Facebook posts and started to feel like I could literally see the holy spirit. I don't think I'll ever forget that. Right when my dad passed away a week after there was funeral, and when it was finished I posted song by secular rap artist named Styles P to satisfy a nonbeliever who was all about being black, but he was not satisfied because at the end of the day I was a Christian. I was dissapointed in myself because I wanted to share a Christian song, but I did not want to offend. That was a when I really started to wake up. Four months later after my dad passed I finally cut loose a lot of nonbelievers and it felt like a huge burden was lifted off my mind. I never felt so relieved in my life I don't think.

A coworker of mine would mention lucky charms and ton of other stuff and how he claimed it was Satanic. I thought he was crazy, later I found out he was right. Not only was he right, but the LORD used me to take that epiphany to an even greater level. That it because the LORD revealed to me how to narrow it down to a science, which is long anything outside the faith is evil.

After my dad passed away, I had many prophecies. I did not realize they were prophecies at the time however. I would think about someone and see them with no more than three days. On overage however, it would be one or two days. Then it came to pass where I would think about someone and something bad happened to them. It happened so often that I spoke to a coworker of mine named Karen, and mentioned someone we both knew and asked her to tell me if something bad happened to her. Surely enough Karen told me the lady got into a vehicle accident. 

I had more prophecies after that where I would think of someone and I would see them within a day.

2023 A prophecy happened; the prophecy of ACTS 2:17

17And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

My brother Kristopher started quoting the Apocrypha, and stated how quotes of from Jesus were in there. He was rapidly quoting the Bible and scripture. I asked, Kris you don't think you're learning the Bible supernaturally fast? He stated he was just studying the Bible, but I could tell that was not normal for him to be learning that fast. To this day he still does it. Around that time, I started seeing numbers. I remember saying something to the effect of let me see something. I added the Aprocrypha books to the KJV and surely enough I my theory was right.  There were 80 books in there. At that time I did not realize what was significant about eight other than it was completion. Later in this story that will be revealed.

My brother Kris started to remind me of Enoch, so I called him Enoch. His boldness also reminds me of Moses, so I called him Moses-Enoch. And since the Lord used him to discover the Apocrypha I called him Apocrypha-Kris. It was Aprocrypha-Krist originally because it rolled off the tongue better, but he didn't want something that placed him on the level of The Christ, so I took that part away. Also he doesn't like being compared to Bible characters at all, but I still call him those names, just not to his face out of respect.

Roughly towards the beginning of the year the LORD was pouring his spirit out on me and I was having one epiphany after the next, and my brother Kristopher was found humor in it. Telling, who was girlfriend at the time about it. I was joking about myself not realizing the LORD truly was revealing it to me. 

On, June 8th at work someone asked me to deliver an item to room 3477 which does not exist. It was supposed to be 3377.

On June 8th (this is now the 2nd important 8 after the Apocrypha I mentioned, and at the time I did not realize it) I had a great revelation from the LORD I texted my brother "Also one more thing. I Lord just told me what the numbers different numbers represent. Also. back about a year ago, I was joking about being a prophet. Now I know I really am one. Have a blessed day Enoch. That's another conversation for another time though. The Lord just revealed something incredible to me." I still have that text to this day. I did not tell him what it was however the revelation said rapture 2028. I realized instantly why I kept having those people popping up in my head and then I would see them in a few days. It was because the LORD was preparing me for this moment, so I could know without doubt that it was coming. That was prophecy fulfilled. The prophecy of ACTS 2:17

17And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: 

The next day I kept hearing the number 8. The place where I worked closed at eight. And elevator opened at 1530 which 5 plus 3 is 8. I remember thinking, "That's the Holy Spirit looking at me." Then later that day, someone randomly came up to me and asked what time does the hospital open, I said I think 8. I was not certain because I do not normally do first shift. Someone sitting next to me confirmed it was 8. After that those people left. That is all they wanted to know. That was the second 8 I had heard that day. I  calculated something on a calculator that involved the number 8 due to the Apocrypha and it being the number of completion. As I was calculating that I started to think what if I was wrong, so I was looking up different numbers just in case I was wrong. That was when I started to hear a female voice say "No human can find anything, but eight eight eight down below" It was saying that over and over until I looked back down at my calculator on my computer screen. Surely enough I was right. 100 divided by 8 is 12.5 12 is one of God's completion numbers. The point five is satan for he is outside the faith. When things are complete, Satan will be deceiving no more and we will spend eternity with the LORD and savior Jesus who shed his blood on the cross of Calvary for our sins, and God raised Him three days later.  So that was the final 8. 

This part I'm just learning as I make this. 1 is Father God. 2 is Lord Jesus. the faith is how you see what is in between point 5. 1 2 faith is 12. 1+2=Trinity.

Sometime when I was getting ready to read the entire  KJV Bible from to back I learned it takes 3 chapters a day. 3 is Trinity. 365 is the years of Enoch. Completion of the walk with the LORD leads to the rapture.

80 is a rapture number also.

The, "No human can find anything but eight eight eight down below" spirit I decided to make a symbolism for Hell. Later I found out it actually is.

That same day I started to make a post called "SEEK THE TRUTH AND YOU WILL FIND JESUS THE MESSIAH!!!!!!!!"

There are mistakes in here, but the LORD can still use it. Moses had a stutter.  


Hover over it and click the link above to read the post.

A fact about this Holy-Roller777 post. I posted this on Facebook, but I could not post this on Facebook because it "went against community standards." However, it went in there supernaturally. The LORD allowed it to be placed on Facebook. To this day it is on Facebook because it got placed on there by the LORD'S will. If one, at least me, were to try to post that website, I cannot. I could not before. I could not after. But it's on Facebook to this day from that one time when the LORD allowed it. His power prevails. It happened on the 12th. One of the LORD'S numbers.

Some time before I made this post, I cannot remember when I kept seeing the number four and eight. I originally thought the LORD was revealing me and my brother Kris because I was born April 14, 1994 and my brother was born in August. 4 and 8. 12. Also I was the 4th male in my family including my dad, but and two of me made 8 which would be my brother Kris. I kept showing my mother the 4s and 8s and that I kept seeing and was taking picture of it so she knew I was not going crazy. It did not help regardless. My mother, who is very loving towards me, finally got creeped out when I said, "Mom! The Holy Spirit took over my body!" She freaked out and would not speak to me. That was my first ever in my entire life that my mother would not speak to me. My oldest brother K.C. heard me talking about the numbers, but he would not listen to me, so I stopped mentioning it around him, so I mentioned to my mom, but that Holy Spirit part was too much for her. I was crying when I told her about the female voiced spirit. Originally I thought it was God, but then over time I realized it was not because it was a female voice. Then I thought it was an angel of the LORD, I never told anyone that part. Then I came to the conclusion it was a spirit of the LORD. I came to that conclusion much later. As I was making that Holy Roller post, mostly that Saturday I had almost no control over my body except to make that post. I was scared, but excited at the same time because I knew it was the Holy Spirit controlling me. Anytime  there was a spot missing the Spirit would control the cursor and I could not move until I figured out what it wanted me to and typed it in so I would fill in the blank with what He wanted me to fill in. 

I'm not 100% certain about this part when it comes to the date, but on June 10 I believe I took an energy supplement called Xyng that I took daily, and I was on a medication that also gave me a lot of energy. I have short term memory, that medication was taking had improved it. At the time, my memory was a lot worse however. Instantly after I took the xyng I forgot if I had taken it, so I had taken a second dosage. Instantly, I had a lot of energy, and it made me realize I had taken it. So it made me go over 30hrs with no sleep. 

(After writing this part of the story I realized that was a 666 engergy supplement I took and then after a ton of supernatural and spiritual stuff happened) Xyng is 1 6. and Another Xyng is the 2nd 6. And I Took six of them because X is 6. I catch this so often it does not even phase me anymore.

I was planning to take a leap of faith and satan started to come at me even harder again. I remember sometime in that month I saw the the 13th and knew something bad was going to happen. Later, I learned that bad thing involved me. On June 12, when I was talking to someone we got into an argument (that was one sided) I cannot remember who it was, and he started saying "What do you want me to call you." The conversation did not end well.  Then after I started talking to Curt Seiler, I stated how the LORD was returning soon. He was talking and randomly opened a Bible verse (one I cannot remember) that states believers will warn other believers of the LORD's very soon return, and the other believers will not listen. I said, "That's you." I told curt as well what LORD revealed to me. What the LORD revealed to me was we're not supposed to have the knowledge of God, but the faith of God. When Adam ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, he brought sin unto this world. That is where our knowledge comes from and that is why even Christians cannot get along at times. I tried to explain that to him, but it just was not clicking. He sounded like he was getting angry, so I said I do not want to start an argument with him. He was not letting go of that topic though because his sinful nature wanted to win an argument like many humans do nowadays. So what I had him make a diagraph one had a circle at the top that stated God,  then there were two ovals one said knowledge the other said faith. Those two ovals were connected to God, but separate from each other. I had him cut out the knowledge one so he would understand, but he still did not understand, so instead he turned into a broken record on me and said, "You're lying, you're lying, you're lying, you're lying, you're lying." And I somehow we got into a part where he was talking about medications over God and I said, "Are you denying His Power?" That was when I mentioned how medications are known to not even work, and I hung because he was being sinful. Right after that Satan blinded Keshawn my younger brother, and I was crying balling my eyes out because I was starting to go into the Spirit World at this time. He was looking at me greatly were and I saw something in his eyes that said Satan was blinding him. It reminded of the time one of my former closest friends did that to me and I said out loud "There it is." I learned when Satan blind someone there's odd gaze in people's eyes that they get often times and it places them in state of catatonia and/or confusion or pure blindness.  Keshawn asked me, "Is this how Christians behave?" After I had tried to slap him because I was on meds that was sending me to a spiritual level that was surreal. Then he said,  "Are you saying Christians can't have a disagreement?"

I said the LORD revealed to me that you cannot fear both God and covid, if you fear anything else it is one of Satan's devices. Then he looked at me for a little confused, and I could see and unclean spirit sinking in him and he said something to the effect of I'M THE REAL CHRISTIAN! ME!!! He was stubborn. I was crying my eyes out at this time, but I could literally see spirits, and I could not take it, but Keshawn had zero empathy. He pushed and pushed and pushed. And he did not recognize me. All he wanted to do was win the argument. I know it was Satan, but it was surreal. At the end of the conversation I said let's pray and he said , "I just think it should be you." I was appauled. I could not remember what I did after that, but I shocked. Then he walked upstairs from where we were talking and he said something to the effect of quiet they're sleeping and he gave me the shsh fingers twice. While he was upstairs and I was downstairs from where he was standing. I knew that was symbolic for Satan silencing me after I was standing up for Jesus and that he was above me. I this point I felt uncomfortable in that house because everyone was going against me as I was standing up for the LORD, and it was bad. I was being blamed for pretty much all of it, but Jesus was betrayed by believers also after the swine had demons in them if I remember the story correctly. 

I learned Satan can use believers still if  they allow him, and do not cling unto the Holy Spirit. 

No Christian was listening to me. I called Robert Breaker and notified him about my Holy-Roller777 post and I was thinking this guy is surely going to listen to me because he makes diagraphs about this all the time. I have the missing piece. The rapture is happening in 2028. That is what I was thinking. So I sent it to him. Sometime after I called him back and mentioned something was missing. It was not his time to be waken up the way the LORD had woken me, but at the time I got discouraged because he asked is there something missing, and he said the blood. I said that was in there, but he did not catch that in my post. He gave me advice on how to organize my writing after. 

I went to take a leap of faith that night after standing up for the LORD against my brother for the first time ever. Throughout my life I was always being accused, abused, neglected or abandoned. I called it "The Vibe," but  I learned it was prophecy as I got closer to the LORD. That was the prophecy of  Matthew 24:10.

My brother called the cops on me out of revenge because he is a revengeful person. The police heard my story and asked if I was alright. I told them my side of the story and stated I just wanted to take a leap of faith because I was going on thirty and I just wanted to try something new. My story checked out and the LORD blessed me by giving me a ride to work.

I was now homeless. I took my duffle bags with me. It was going to be my last week or so at that job because I was going to take a leap of faith. 

A older gentleman named Larry, who is a friend of mine, I call him 6'2" Larry may or may not have been giving me a place to stay. Either way I could not look back. I remember thinking of the story of Lot. Looking back was sin. 

I was at work now, I was not clocked in. I had my stuff with me and things just felt surreal. This is when I started to really fall into the spirit world. I and I was starting to become a false prophet. I was running on over 24 sleepless hours at this time. I was thinking to myself about seducing spirits. 

For you readers understand this, dreams can control how people behave. Every time I thought about something something about it came true. I was in a dream state, but I was wide awake at the same time. I was literally walking in a dream. There was an evil spirit messing with me. I thought to myself words are spirits. The word is God and not Jesus. I was starting to become a false prophet.

6 pills of Xyng plus the medication I was on called modafinil which I had taken two pills of plus no sleep = spirit world.

I know this from first hand experience. 

This spirit/my dream state turn me into a false prophet for about a month. I was up on June 12th, and my mind was wondering off and it stated, God is. God does not command. Anything, outside of God is sin. This was Satan starting to mess with me even more. My mind stated even many will say did I not do many good works in your name. Matthew 7:22-24

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

Then I started thinking about preachers preaching. And street preachers preaching. How bible calls the sinners the world. And it says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. That would make Christians of the world also. Then it say in the Bible they will be without understanding. 

 Romans 1:31 

31Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful.

That is when I thought about myself. I did not understand liberals and why they supported transgenderism. I did not support them. And they and people of other faiths did not understand me. And it says despisers of those that are good. I thought no one is good. Christians aren't better than anyone else. Christians don't like other faiths and other faiths don't like Christians. Christians have evil in them too. That is when I started thinking the entire world was God's and Jesus was not needed.  I still believed in Jesus, but I thought he was a division of God. When in reality he is God. I thought in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. Not Jesus or Holy Spirit. I thought everything was a word. Car is word. Friend is word. Everything is word. So everything is division. Anything outside of God is sin. Therefore all is sin. I cannot work because work is sin. Satan is deceiver. God doesn't state for people to work. Satan does. Preaching, all things that are work is sin. God is. Everything else isn't. You don't even have to believe because believing is a work of the mind.  God is. Not is plus work. God is god over all. Islam, Judiasm, Christians, Bhuddists. All. That was the conclusion I came up with. I thought God divided all faiths for them to stick together: Christians with Christians, Muslims with muslims, etc. I remember thinking Satan is the deciever. God is the truth. In the beginning was the truth and Satan deceived the world. Yeah. Now it makes sense why Jesus was able to be killed. God is not able to be killed. Satan was coming at me hard. (What is wrong with that is with God all things are possible).

If you work. You're going to Hell. Then a coworker of mine came in and said, "Can you work?"

My heart sank. That was the first thing I heard the entire day. Something about my thoughts is able to see something though inaccurate of different scales at times. (The year prior to 2023 I predicted my coworker would die and it happened, but it was the wrong coworker). 

Then he came in again. I could see Satan on him though he was manipulating the situation. 

Then I asked my coworker what do you know about faith after he came to speak to me a 2nd time. He said something about knowing a lot about faith and left awkwardly.  There was like this slight infrared light look that I saw when I was saying this. Then he came in a third time to speak me and brought in a social worker and she spoke to me about what happened, and I stated I just need to sleep, and she gave me the shsh fingers twice next to her lips. That was when I knew Satan did not want me to share the "Seek the truth and you will find Jesus the Messiah".

I was becoming a false prophet, but deep down I was still a Christian. Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us.  Also I was still believing in Jesus. I just had false prophet beliefs as well.  Some time after, that's when I learned when the Bible says the only unforgivable sin is not believing in Jesus and His finished work, He means it. Everything else you can be wrong about if you don't know better.

Then, another major false thing was I believed it did not matter how much you sin or if you go to Hell, because God is all powerful and you can pray your loved ones out, and yourself because God is all powerful, and his mercy endures forever. 

I was without sleep, and I was in dream mode, but I was wide awake and fully conscious of things. Not all things, but enough to function oddly. People told me their side of what they saw me do and I had zero recollection of it.  Those meds really placed me on spiritual trip. And I did not remember 99% of what everyone said happened.

I started calling my family and telling them, "I'm the new Jesus." That was metaphor, but like I said their was a spirit messing with my head, and I think it was making me think thoughts that were not really my thoughts. I called my sister Taja to tell her you do not need Jesus. I wanted her to check my posts. I couldn't wait to show her that you can pray everyone out of Hell. If I went and started preaching that everywhere I would have been a false prophet, and that we don't need Jesus we only need God. 

As I was heading home from work my brother stated he would come pick me up. He got there supernaturally fast. I told my asked my mom you don't think he got there supernaturally fast? My mom was denying everything no matter what. She even saw the spirit jump unto the phone herself. It said, "I'm the new God." I think that a spirit of me because the Bible says believers cannot be possessed by demons (or at least I think that). But I got home and keep in mind going was sin, I was supposed to take a leap of faith and not go back, but I did because I figured all was well and I wanted to share with my family what I learned and then take the leap of faith. The dream state of me and not the spirit in mean had me thinking my deceased dad was going jump out of a picture. I remember thinking, I'm speaking in faith Like Abraham with sacrificing His son.  The spirit jumped into my oldest brother's phone also. He asked, did you send me something. I said it was not me. At the I did not know, but now I know it was Jesus. 

Acts 2:17 

17And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

I had a dream, a vision, and prophecy. The prophecy was by itself. In my dream state I had vision where I PHYSICALLY shook my younger brother Keshawn's hand and he said, "Yeah. Now I believe you. There's stuff about the faith I'm still learning."  At the time I thought it was actually him, but I know now it was the LORD revealing to me that he will agree with me in the future and see the Holy Spirit truly did take over my body when I made that post. That happened on June 12 or June 13th at midnight.  I close friend of mine name Felix was about to pick me up as I was walking outside and I had vision of the shadow of Abraham. I was happy to be taking a leap of faith. Right when my friend Felix was picking me up because he was going to drop me off at destination as I spread the Gospel, the police stopped me for my mental health after my mom called me and asked me where I was at without me knowing she had the police listening to detain me for my mental health. I remember before the policed detained me, I saw my shadow in a running position, and I saw a shadow of a deer, but there was no deer. The deer represented the beast. The unclean thing. At night on the 12th before I walked a spirit came out of me and after I made a comment to someone stating, "I'm a profit." I spelled prophet wrong. And it was this white star look and it went into my computer. It was someone who spoke another language. I could not tell who that was, but I my intuition told me that was not Christian considering it had me thinking evil thoughts. I told my mom sometime later that was not me that made that post. Back to the detainment. I got placed into a hospital, and someone said I would placed in there for four days. That was that number 4 again. 4 and 8 were the two numbers I kept seeing.  A staff member at the hospital said, there goes four minutes. When I got placed in the hospital, the LORD placed a song on my heart and it reminded me of people in the Bible where the LORD place a song on their heart (I did not realize it was supernatural).  Also I had to wait for roughly 16 hrs before I got transferred to the mental health facility. As I was waiting my thoughts started to wander off, and I ran away from the hospital, and I remember saying, "God! God! God! God!" And I heard Him say, "What? What? What? What?" After every time I said God he said what, and I remember looking up to the sky and turning my head and thinking, I'm really hearing this. It was deep voice. At this time the sky was green. The police chasing me could hear his voice but I could. 

Also back to when I was encountered by the police, on the 13th of June at midnight 06/13/2023. I remember calling them Satan right to their face.  There was police officer that said I was doing nothing wrong, but they had their hearts set to detain me so that police officer followed under pressure. The one who was spiritually closest to me was also physically closest to me. The one that was farthest away from me was also to the left and physically furthest away. That was symbolic, I found sometime later that my prediction of who had it out for me the most was right. Every time I thought of something 99% of the time it came right. When they first encountered me I said I can't tell what is real from what's fake. And the officer said you said it yourself. I said, but some of this stuff is really happening. I said guys I'm not going crazy. And I said there's going to be a third police car right there and I pointed to where it would happen and it did. It did not phase the police. They had their hearts set.

While I was in the hospital, I had visions of doors opening and closing and no one was coming in and out. I saw shadows of people, but I could not see them. That modafinil enhance my faith mechanism. Someone once told me believing is seeing and seeing is not believing. Those meds made my faith so strong that I was literally controlling people, and I was seeing things in a different vision than normally. But I could only control the people that allowed me to control them. The LORD was showing me was it was like to be Him. Christ uses those who are faithful, but they allow it. I remember at this time I was falling away, starting to think of myself as God, but I was thinking, "I still want to believe in Jesus because that's me." I now realize it was the LORD chasing me.

Also while I was in the Hospital everyone was going to everyone, but me. They were shaking hands. Talking enjoying life. That was when I thought about no one seeks the truth. No one came to me. No one comes to the LORD. The LORD chooses you. Ever since then, when I think about the LORD revealed to me I start to praise Him. That is what the LORD sees he sees a lot people being good, but without Him. He is the creator and the master, and the perfection and gives all freely. Why do we as humans reject Him and choose sin?

I remember when I was in the hospital. There were many people who walked in and out of different rooms. I everyone was going to see everyone but me. When God says sin separates, he means it. I learned faith alone can PHYSICALLY separate people. When people shake hands it because they are in some form of spiritual agree. No one can truly do anything with God without faith. The fact that anyone lives is proof of God's grace. God is so powerful that even though His faith is limitlessly greater than everyone's put together because He is all powerful He is able to see us.

When I got placed in the mental health facility I remember they asked me for two name to place down. One I chose was Holy-Roller and the next was the Dragon. Instantly after that, my eyes widened because I realized Holy-Roller was the knowledge of good, and the Dragon was the knowledge of evil. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was in me. 

The 13th of June 2023 was the beginning of my month stretch. There goes the number 4 again.

As I was in the mental health facility, my mind stated I was the unclean thing and I right after I saw someone take off a sign that said room 18 unclean and she took it down. I said that room says unclean. She said, I cleaned it. I did not trust her, I thought once I laid on that bed my soul was going to go to Hell. Then after, I was not listening to staff because I was confused. I thought they were sending me to room, and bad stuff was happening to me. The room was a lot worse than the first room. I remember stating "I repent," over and over and I was sedated. My body made this cross formation that I could not control, but it did make a full cross formation. 

Now I understand the reason is because I was not fully repented. I remember when got out of the mental health facility a lot more supernatural stuff happened. I kept seeing this bird that followed me, and I knew it was the Holy Spirit. At this time the LORD was really using numbers on me. I saw my eighth grade teacher who was my Bible teacher. Their goes the number eight again, which just happened to land on the one year I went to a Christian school.  He was in the hospital, so I went to visit him as Christians should.  11101 N. Sherman Rd

Edgerton, WI 53534 was the address, but the when I was there it said 20111. The reason why that was interesting was because at the time I stated to 6'2" Larry my favorite number is two because with faith you can really see three because the third number is the Holy Spirit. That is why the Holy Spirit revealed that to me. I was looking right at it and it did not change. The LORD was still revealing His self to me. I remember on the way there, I kept talking to Larry, who I called 6'2" Larry, and I kept telling him numbers and the LORD gave us signs that we were going in the right direction. The LORD would not let either of use GPS and he wanted us to trust Him. We made there and that address does not even truly exist, but with Jesus all things are possible. When we were traveling home, the Holy Spirit started making a noise through 6'2" Larry's phone and he said, ”What was that?" I said, that's the Holy Spirit every time I sin. I was doing minor sins on the way home. I cannot remember most of them. One of them was I was lusting after a friend of mine I knew I shouldn't have been. And I saw the number 13. Throughout this time frame in this story, I saw the number 13 every time I sinned. It happened a lot! Judas. Satan. The LORD was speaking to me through numbers. I was seeing 8 wheels on vehicles on the way home. I kept seeing numbers. I was starting to get annoyed by it, so I prayed to the LORD about it. At the end of 6'2" Larry taking me home from seeing my eight grade teacher, a bird landed on my house, and I said, "See that bird? That's the Holy Spirit!" He said "Whoa!" It was at that point I knew I was still in dream state, and I was not 100% talking to Larry.

The Holy Spirit kept following me in the form of a bird. One time my nephew saw a big bird, and only my family was there. I remember walking outside and thinking, "That's the Holy Spirit looking out for us." I knew I was not going crazy because this was all happening in the same time frame, and I was not the only one seeing all this stuff. A lot more happened than what I am mentioning.

In this time frame I came up with the theory that faith puts people to sleep. Like Adam when he was placed in a deep sleep, or the disciples when Jesus was about to be crucified. I experienced the same thing with my family.

My brother Kristopher would not submit to what I was telling him, so he fell asleep 3 times. And I texted him saying, that's the Holy Spirit putting you to sleep because you won't submit.

One day, I was going on a walk and I saw the number 6. Then the doctor who prescribed me the medication called Modafinil stated I was already like that and said he'll check on me again in 6 months. Then my mom and I had and indifference. And I my mom was about to stop by somewhere and she came back and I saw the vehicle slowly me move. I told my mom, "This is me." She said no it's not. She went to sleep. And I was about to sleep and something like LORD please no. I still didn't want to believe all this supernatural stuff was happening. And I knew I was going to wake up at 6:00 pm. But the LORD answered my prayer and woke me up at 6:03 p.m. which was a third 6 and final 6 that day. I told my mom that the strong delusion was coming. I told them God is the truth. I learned that the only way people can truly see what others are doing is through faith in Christ.

People were blaming it all on the meds I was on, but that doesn't make sense Biblically. Either what was happening is of the LORD or the evil. Simple as that. And on top of that, I was not the only one seeing this stuff, I was just the only that realized it was the LORD.

Throughout this I had the Logic of praying to become God because he was the only thing worthy to serve him and I was counting to 24 (I can't remember why) and I was counting by 6 and it came to 24 after the fourth number. I felt sad because it kept happening and was thinking God works in 3s. That was when the LORD lead me to Exodus 20:3

Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Right after that I said, I'm sorry I was trying to take your place. And instantly that was when He revealed to me what the truth was. Eight Eight Eight is 24. Trinity Omega. And I made the post which you can here look up stated in the following:

If I did not know the Old The Testament I may have started preaching false prophet ideologies, but thank the LORD for his grace because he chased me and love me enough keep me going. Now not only do I know what numbers mean, but I learned through Christ what all means.

Pray with Thanksgiving.
Repentance for you and for all.
Pray to be there when we get caught up in the clouds.
Pray to be worthy to escape what is to come.
In Jesus name. Amen.


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