I am The I Am Servant Kalen 4

 I am The I Am Servant Kalen 4

1. God is A. God is Alpha. God is the first. God is over Sunday.
2. God is B.  God is over Monday.
3. God is C. God is Christ. God is over Tuesday.
4. God is D. God is over Wednesday.
5. God is E. Jesus the exceeding great reward. God is over Thursday.
6. God is F. God is over Friday. First six. God washes away all sin.
7. God is G. God is over Saturday. Remember Saturday to keep it Holy.
8. God is H. God is Holy. New Beginning. Jesus. Sunday. The first new beginning. Jesus the living word come in the flesh.
9. God is I. God IS. Monday once more.
10. God is J. God is Jesus. Tuesday once more. 
11. God is K. God is King, Wednesday. Wednesday once more.
12. Jesus is L. Jesus is Lord. Remember the Lord. The Lord used the twelve disciples. 
Thursday once more. The second six. The blood of Jesus washes away all sin.
13. God is M. Judas was the thirteenth disciple. The Lord washes away all evil.  Friday once more.
14. God is N. Saturday once more. 
15. God is O. God is omega. Sunday three times around.
16. God is P.  Jesus is Prince of Peace. Monday three times around. The second eight, the new beginning when Jesus reigns for a thousand years.
17. God is Q. Tuesday three times around.
18. God is R. Wednesday three times around. The third six. The spirit of six hundred three score and six. Father God Jesus the Holy Spirit got rid of sin.
19. God is S. Jesus is Savior. Thursday three times around.
20. God is T. Friday. three times around.
21. God is U. Saturday three times around.
22. God is V.  Sunday. Jesus is he victor.
23. God is W.  Monday. Jesus is the winner.
24. God is X. X is the twenty fourth letter of the alphabet. 24+24+24=666. That is the antichrist. Tuesday. The fourth six. That is completion for six thousand six hundred three score and six is twenty-four. Twelve for day. Twelve for night. The Lord covers all.
25. God is Y. Y is 7. 
26. God is Z. Z is the 26 letter of the alphabet. 26+26+26 = 888. No human can find anything but eight eight eight down below. A fiery judgement eight eight eight down below. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. For the believers it is eternity with the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


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