How much is Bruce Lee Worth?

 Bruce Lee was a great man. Bruce Lee was a great martial artist. Bruce was the star of a lot of movies.

He was greatest recorded martial artist of all time. He trained Chuck Norris. He starred in Enter the Dragon. He was the dragon. He taught people to be formless like water. His first pupil of all time was African American. His reflexes were so fast, cameras had to tell him to slow down for him to be seen on camera. He married into a rich family. He was rich. He was healthy. He was in shape. He was humble. He made sure he did not fight the master of a martial arts class because he did not want to shame the class, so he fought the best student instead. He was gentleman. He cared for the poor. He listened to the advice of others. He was charitable with teachings. He was blessed to have the greatest known sensei Ip Man. When died, he died without the LORD. All of him amounted to nothing because he did not believe in Christ and is finished work.

Matthew 13:12

12For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath. 


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