The Spirit(s) That Follows Me

 Daniel 12:4

But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

    I have mentioned before how when I think about something it comes true. Now that I'm closer to God and more conscious of what happens, I thank God for all things. I remember back when I was a child I thought a few times, "This feels like one of those days we're going to have Taco Bell." Or something to that effect. One of those times my dad came, and sister of mine named Taja told dad what I told her, and my dad said, "You have the gift of prophecy." At the time I did not think anything of it. I was not as God conscious then as I am now. Neither would I have believed in the spirit world the way I do today. I remember back when I was in middle school, there was friend of mine named Patrick Henke that I would always speak about a SpongeBob episode to, and the same day we would go home and see that exact episode. I remember, mentioning to my brother named Kris before, how whenever I think of an episode it came on. I took a medication called modafinil and it made the spirit even stronger. There was then one time when I prayed about something, and then a pastor spoke one that exact thing that following Sunday. It was a low statistical odd of that being mentioned as well. I've learned that that spirit can see the future, and it can also read my mind whatever it is. There have been so many times in my life where I would think about something and it would come true. 

    You know how Facebook and other sites one can speak on something and then advertisements and related topics start to pop up? The same thing happens to me, when I think about something. Something I will not speak on, something I would not search, something that has only been in my head. That is what I find on my phone. Often times, pastors I listen to speak on things I have thought of in my head. I listen to online pastors often.

    I have mentioned this before, but things often happen to me in the pattern of 8 when it relates to serving the LORD and doing things. 

    One time someone was coughing and I cracked a joke saying, "do you need the Heimlich" and soon after that same day I started coughing and someone cracked the same joke. It was as if that spirit entered her and had her say that. That's not first time something like that has happened to me however, nor has it been the last.

    I remember when I took the modafinil there was a female voiced spirit that said, "No human can find anything but eight eight eight down below." I think it was the same spirit one night when I had a dream that kissed me as if she was conscious of me being aware of her. The first time I went to a Christian school, I was in the 8th grade. Today as I make this post, there was a coworker whose birthday is today, and she turned 38 today. THREE EIGHTS. It just happen to land on 06/28/2024. 06+2=8 8 2+0+2+4=8 888 The thing about that is people don't normally celebrate their birthdays, or least not that I'm aware of. One time I was at work, and there was monitor that said, "Those eights in your head. They aren't real." I knew it was one of the devil's angels trying to come after me to steal, kill and destroy."

    I could say a lot more on this, but that'll do.   

Hebrews 11:6

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

What I've learned is spirits have the ability to go into computers.

God is a spirit that follows me.

-The eights that follow me, I call the spirit of eight. 

-There's a spirit(s) that frequently follow me nowadays. I believe some are good and others are evil, nevertheless I don't communicate with any of them because I God commands us to only communicate to Him as a spirit.

-Spirit(s) at least for me have the ability to know what is going on inside my head and it transports to what people say that I'm surrounded by, whether it be in person, or online videos.

-Spirits inside my head are able to manipulate people. 


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