
Showing posts from August, 2023

I am The I Am Servant Kalen 4

  I am The I Am Servant Kalen 4 1. God is A. God is Alpha. God is the first. God is over Sunday. 2. God is B.  God is over Monday. 3. God is C. God is Christ. God is over Tuesday. 4. God is D. God is over Wednesday. 5. God is E. Jesus the exceeding great reward. God is over Thursday. 6. God is F. God is over Friday. First six. God washes away all sin. 7. God is G. God is over Saturday. Remember Saturday to keep it Holy. 8. God is H. God is Holy. New Beginning. Jesus. Sunday. The first new beginning. Jesus the living word come in the flesh. 9. God is I. God IS. Monday once more. 10. God is J. God is Jesus. Tuesday once more.  11. God is K. God is King, Wednesday. Wednesday once more. 12. Jesus is L. Jesus is Lord. Remember the Lord. The Lord used the twelve disciples.  Thursday once more. The second six. The blood of Jesus washes away all sin. 13. God is M. Judas was the thirteenth disciple. The Lord washes away all evil.  Friday once more. 14. God is N. Saturday once more.  15. God is

I am The I AM Servant Kalen 5

I am The I AM Servant Kalen 5 1. The family of the I AM Servant. 2. Kenneth Hereford the Dad: the pastor of Grace and Truth Church. Renette the mother. 3. K.C. The oldest brother. Samsom Gideon is his nick name. 4. Deja the oldest sister.  5. Kristopher. Moses-Enoch. Apocrypha-Kris. Those are given nicknames.  6. Keshawn. The Sparrow.  7. Kalen. The I AM Servant.

I am The I AM Servant Kalen 3

  I am The I AM Servant Kalen 3 1. The Lord placed a song on my heart.  2. The following are the lyrics. 3. What a mighty God we serve 4. I am, I am, I am, I am the one who made the world. 5. I am, I am, I am, I am the one who saved the world. 6. I am, I am, I am, I am the one who made the world. 7. What a mighty God we serve

I am The I AM Servant Kalen 2

I am The I AM Servant  Kalen 2 1. The God who Created the firmament which is Heaven guided Moses. 2. And Moses was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments.Moses Created  3. The ten commandments include: 4. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 5. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 6. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; 7. And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. 8. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. 9.  Remember t

I am the I AM Servant Kalen 1

The I Am Servant Kalen 1 1. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2. So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen. 3. Jesus placed himself last on earth, so He shall be first in the kingdom of Heaven.

A Post of a Story: The Value if the Old Testament: Since then.

Ever since July 13th, which is the number of the new beginning, I have still had visions. One time I saw coke bottle and asked a coworker of mine named Char if there was coke bottle here? She said no. We found she told me it was there yesterday.  I have had serval times happen where I would think about someone or something and it came to pass. I was grocery shopping, was thinking of my uncle and it came true.  A friend of mine I have been praying for said he believes God is. The Holy Spirit has been working in him. I never mentioned that. I've been witnessing the Holy Spirits power a lot lately to the point where I cried and questioned my salvation, but I'm staying faithful knowing it is the LORD.  I recognize numbers still and I noticed symbolisms. It varies how often I do. LORD willing I will use what I have learned to serve Him.  I saw a post Bible verse about their being great signs in Heaven in the Last days and I was wondering what they were. And then a few days later my

In reference to false prophet part of my previous posts.

  If an evil spirit ever comes hard at you and makes you think you're God or the new God, and/or you think God is turning you into the new God because the new beginning is about to come fight it like this. If you think God is the truth and Jesus is not needed. If what is going on is true and you believe words are spirits all is separate and God is just remember this: Why are you trusting the Bible in the first place if the rest of the Bible is lie? Why does the history of the Bible match the areas that exist? What happens after you die? Why does Jesus's words match God's words perfectly? If what I thinking is true, what happens to evil people?  I've learned just because something is true does mean it is THE TRUTH. I thought you could pray people out of Hell because with God all things are possible which is true, but what is truer is Jesus will destroy his enemies with eternal fire where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. Jesus cannot go back on his word. I thought

A Post of a Story: The Value if the Old Testament

Some names have been changed in this story for reasons. This story is not 100% in chronological order, I have never been the greatest at memory/organization/typing a lot. That is why there may or may not be many typos in my story even after it being revised. With that said, thank you Jesus who died on the cross for my sins and shed your blood for me. Thank you for staying faithful to me. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.  The LORD is using me regardless of my faults. I think about Moses and how he had a stutter when I think about how terrible my typing can be at times. I cannot get the whole story in, it is simply too much for me to want to.  Back when I was a child I would have days where I would think my family would have certain meal that day and it would come true. One specific time I remember, I remember saying it feels like one of those days where we would have Taco Bell. My family had taco bell and sister Taja mentioned to my dad, who is now with the LORD, how I said tha

Christ Based Centered Mental Health Pt. 7 Final

  Always make sure the client has a chance to understand the Gospel. That is the foundation all good mental health. Business Runner: If you want good mental health start with believing in Jesus and what he did. He shed His blood for you and your sins on the cross of Calvary and God raised Jesus up 3 days later. That is the good hope for all mental health. Do you believe this message? Client: Yes Business Runner: It is an honor to be here for you. Scenario two: Business Runner: Do you receive this message? Client: No. Business Runner: Well I'll continue to be here for you, but understand you cannot receive the full blessing until you believe the full blessing.

Christ Based Centered Mental Health Script 6

  Business Runner: Learn to do with a sober conscious. Understand that sometimes part of the process is long suffering. Medication is not something you should lean on, The only thing you should ever lean on is the LORD  and savior Jesus Christ. He provides the medications, but it is not the medication you need.  Client: Understood. Business Runner: Have a blessed day.

Christ Based Centered Mental Health Pt. 5

Scenarios in Ways a client may become disruptive. Business Runner: With God being all powerful all you have to do is follow the will of the LORD, and your problems will go away. Supplement all with prayer. Client: I do not believe in Jesus, or His power. You're getting annoying with all that Jesus nonsense.  Business Runner. You're rebuke. Scenario 2 Business Runner The medication(s) _______ fill in the blank, will probably work for you. Client: Yooouuu only want me stuck on drugs.  Business Runner: I am only here to be the greatest blessing I can be, and that is why I have you fill out a how you were behaving prior to this, so if there are dramatic changes in your personality, we can modify your prescription to enhance your circumstances as we see fit. Client: Thank you for the clarification Business Runner: Glory be to God, may you be blessed abundantly.   Scenario 3 If a client starts getting agitated and seems aggressive. Business Runner: You're rebuked. Be gone.  If th